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Redrawing a Crest This article was posted on Tuesday, 5th March 2013

I started a little project with my brothers that I hope will be home to projects that we will work on together. Between the four of us, we manage to encompass elements of design, illustration/art, photography, video and audio.

With this in mind, I registered a business name and we're calling ourselves the Rainsford Creative Collective. Coincidentally, this meant I could registed, which is something I've wanted to do for a while.

As the person taking care of the design aspect, I have been thinking long and hard about a logo and by extension, a brand. I came up with some ideas, but they seemed disconnected from who and what we were. This is not a faceless organisation, this is us.

I am a big fan of heraldry and knew we had a pretty great family crest. The main elements were an Argent (silver) shield with a Sable (black) cross, a helment (crusaders) and a deer. I made the decision that our family crest would become the core of our branding.

After the decision was made, the only thing I needed to do was redraw the crest, so that the elements were clean vectors and are able to be separated. This may seem like a simple task, but it's not. Six-odd hours of Illustrator work, screencasting and a lot of editing later, I present the process of redrawing a crest, in two crazy minutes. If you are prone to epileptic seizures, watch with caution.

Of course, an old-school heraldic crest isn't going to scale down to form a neat Favicon or Twitter avatar, but my goal is to create a branding system, rather than a brand consisting of a logo. The brand will consist of the elements of the crest separately, used when appropriate. For the most part, it'll probably be the shield, but maybe at some point, a deer head or a crusaders helmet might be more appropriate (I can't wait for those projects).

I'll post again when I have the brand further along, which will better illustrate my ideas above.

Five Links This article was posted on Friday, 1st March 2013

Spirit Guide reinventing a great distillery

I saw this link on Daring Fireball and I had to repost it, simply because it describes a Scottish Whiskey that tastes like TCP disinfectant. What a sensation. I am not a fan of Scotch Whiskey.

Studija Archispektras: house in Kaunas - an autograph among the pine trees

A fantastic home in Lithuania. It's huge and clad with vibrant orange "vertical oxygenated steel plates".

Ashford and Ashford Stationery and Branding

This gets a relink because it's stationery and branding for lawyers (I assume) yet it's modern and slick and really represents them well.

From Shipping to Seating: Balzer + Kuwertz's Upcycled Pallet Chairs

Pallets usually end up as firewood or in a landfill, when their usefulness ends, so it's nice to see them being reused in a clever way.

Bang by Min: H house, Seoul

I've relinked this as it's an incredible building. Like a series of stacked boxes, it's makes for a huge space with a very small footprint. Also, the grassy garden is on the roof so that's really nice too. Vertigo is the way to go.

Five Links This article was posted on Friday, 22nd February 2013

The Art of the Japanese Manhole Cover

I love Japanese art, and I love art that is on unusual surfaces, so these decorated manhole covers are right up my street...

British Athletics Identity Designed

After watching his talk from the Brand New conference (blogged about here), I have become a big fan of Simon Manchipp of SomeOne and his their philosophy that a brand shouldn't hinge on a logo, but rather a branding system. This crest for the British Athletics, created by SomeOne, is a great example of achieving both. This piece is contributed by Mr. Manchipp and is definitely worth a read.

Cypress Clad Waterfront Residence With Exceptional Views in Connecticut

A beautiful, narrow home- timber clad and on a beachfront. Is spacious without having a huge physical footprint.

DeLorean Motor Company

Profile of the logo for the DeLorean Motor Company, famous for it's starring role in Back to the Future. The logo suited the car so well.

Okagami House

Another Japanese-related link, this fantastic house is enclosed in trees, with beautfiul walkways throughout. There are also photos of the house when it was built, which are really interesting, as they show before the foliage has taken over.

Piece by Piece- an EP Cover Process This article was posted on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

It has been a long time since I did a cover for a music album or EP. Small bands aren't really doing it anymore, given the advent of many ways of downloading and listening to music online.

Not that I'm complaining- I love iTunes, it makes it so easy to buy music. However, I still love to get the interactive booklets and even plain old PDFs of the album artwork.

My younger brother is a drumming maelstrom, his YouTube channel has many subscribers and many more views. He also writes original pieces, along with our two other brothers, and records and produces them with his friends.

This is his second EP and I created an eight page PDF booklet, included in the download. It was a fun project to work on. I screencasted the whole thing and managed to squash about six hours of video down to under 4 minutes. Suffice to say, it's speeded up and chopped up. You can view the spreads on my new design page.

Five Links This article was posted on Friday, 15th February 2013

As a poor substitute for actual blog posts, I present this weeks five links.

I decided to put in descriptions as to why I highlight the links, rather than images, as they might be more useful.

The Clink Room

I linked to a particular blog post, but visit the site and go back through the most recent posts of them critiquing work submitted by readers. When it comes to American sports team logos, Brandiose (who are behind the Clink Room) seem to be the experts in that area.

Concept: The Big Brand Theory

Interesting post on how effective major branding is, even when cropped down to it's barest elements.

eWorld: Apple’s Dream of the 90′s

A nice article about eWorld, Apple's online community of the 1990s. Interesting concept but so incredibly limited, even for that time (AOL was so much bigger).

Desks with a Gutter

Saw two of these desks this week, both very similar. Here's the other one.

Gummie Industries Branding

My favourite of the branding I saw in the last week. Hits all the right spots.

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