Previous Articles

Pimp Your Shopping Basket This article was posted on Friday, 1st September 2017

I has this old shopping basket lying around and decided to tidy it up with new paint and handle. 

Notes on the project-


Workshop First Aid Cabinet This article was posted on Monday, 28th August 2017

I had a couple of 'nice' pallets lying around and I wanted to make something quick. I had a vision of a 'zombie apocalypse' style first aid cabinet so I set to work.

I ended up with a more traditional colour scheme but the inner graphics are an ode to a famous bearded graphic designer.

It's been a few months since I finished this and all I can really remember is; this project taking so long to complete. It wasn't one thing delaying it either, everything took longer than it should have. Looks and functions well though, so a success, I guess.

Hiatus This article was posted on Sunday, 27th August 2017

It has been a busy summer, and my YouTube experiment had to be put on hiatus. Ironically I'm working on a huge building project that I'm not documenting. I'm not a builder or tradesman so I make stuff in the evenings. I also have two kids. I'm also permanently tired.

Anyway, self-pity aside, I only realised tonight that I didn't post for the third and fourth video on this website, so I will do a quick couple of posts shortly.

I have all my tools at another secret location so I'm trying to get some work done in my workshop to improve it- insulation, electrical, internal walls etcetera. I might do a quick video showing the workshop as it is, as of today. I also got a new camera and I haven't had a chance to test it, so I might kill many birds with one stone.

Storage Box This article was posted on Friday, 24th March 2017

Storage box, Back to the Future Inspired

As with all my projects at the moment, I'm making stuff that I need and posting it to YouTube. It's good motivation to finish the projects fully.

I have several items in my home office that have large footprints- for example I have a lightbox that is one about 20mm thick but is 400mm x 600mm. I had a gap under my desk, so I decided to make a storage box on wheels for longer-term storage.

Now I do like to paint-and-decal stuff and I had an idea for this box in mind, and I purchased yellow spray paint as a highlight colour, but I changed my mind last minute and decided to make it have a passing resemblance to the Plutonium storage case in Back to the Future. It always made me laugh, the flippancy of 'Plutonium Handle with Care'.

Notes on the project-


Tool Tote This article was posted on Tuesday, 7th March 2017

Tool Tote with Magnetic Drawer system

I had a need for a means to cart my tools and other stuff around my garden. I was using an orange B&Q bucket to lug my drill, driver, boxes of screws and anything else I needed, which was far from ideal. I have tool bags and tool boxes but I wanted a tool tote that would remain empty and ready to be filled, depending on the job.

One other feature, or necessity, was that there was a drawer or tray that would let me put shallow objects, like my screw boxes or small tools, separate from the larger tools. I didn't want latches or anything that wuld break or catch, so I turned to magnets.

The more I thought about the idea, the more I thought it would work and it would work well. Being a huge fan of maker videos on YouTube, I decided to record the whole process and make a short video of the making process. The side-effect of making a video is you put extra effort in to the process- my tool tote ended up with a paint job and then I went and stencilled it up. It's a slippery slope. Check out the video-

Notes on the project-

Notes on the video-


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