Five Links This article was posted on Friday, 8th March 2013

The Making of John Mayer's 'Born & Raised' Artwork

I've watched this video a couple of times- the skill and talent of this traditional signwriter is amazing. He draws the album artwork by hand and then vectorises, and then as a present to Mayer, creates two framed glass signs for Mayer, using a wide range of techniques.

Do yourself a favour, put twenty minutes aside and watch this.

Ghostbusters HQ in Lego

How could I not relink this piece? I like these Lego models based on well known buildings and places from movies and tv shows. The Ghostbusters HQ seems to work really well in this case and this is not the first model of this particular building I've seen. However I think this is the best I've seen.

ade architecture

I live in the end house of a four house terrace and I dream of adding a huge extension to the back of our house. I think if I could afford to do it, I'd be stealing ideas from this home. It's an amazing extension, really beautiful.

Michael Bierut at Creative Mornings

This was a really good talk, given by Michael Bierut of Pentagram fame. He shows a real acute understanding of the business side to design, as well as the design side of design. Worth a watch.

Moving Brands: Augusta Ventures

I relinked to this because I just really like this branding. Simple and smart, represents the business really well. Also, nice write-up by Moving Brands.

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