I have a few blog posts lined up, but I haven't had a chance to finish them, so I decided to post a few links to websites that I love to visit. I've chosen some of the ones that I find most inspiring. I'll elaborate a bit more below.
Dribbble Always a great source of inspiration. Long before I was drafted to be a part of Dribbble, I visited it quite regularly to have a look at what people were working on. The latest feature is great- it automatically snatches the colour palette from each image uploaded.
Todd's Blog - Todd Klein is a comic book letterer and posts logo studies (found here), comic reviews as well as other bits and pieces. His logo studies are always exceptionally thorough and it's always great to read the history of the familiar logos of Batman and Superman.
FPO (For Print Only) - Like the rest of the websites from Under Consideration, it's really well curated and great at producing consistently good posts about new print projects. Really inspiring to see design taking a printed form.
Chromeography - You can't really be anything but inspired by a gallery of well-taken, vintage chrome car badges. My proof? Check out this Ford badge- how sweet is that?
House Industries - I've linked to the blog, as it's the part that gets updated most frequently and the part I enjoy the most. Brilliant behind-the-scenes looks at their stuff being produced as well as their typefaces and products in use. The photography is always great and I always look forward to their latest updates. Their main website is pretty great too, as is their promotional movie.
I'll post some more links when I get a chance. All images above are copyright their respective owners.